Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Get clarity on the work you (and the team) have

Get clarity on the work you have.  Most managers are ineffective when they don't manage the overall workload.

You should start thinking about this in terms of the output of the team.  This is because your primary role as a manager is to manage and be responsible for the overall output of the team.  This should cover the activities themselves (the what), the manner in which they are delivered (the how) and the motivation to do so (the why).  More on the how and why later but today I just want to focus on the process on managing the what.

Work can be defined in two ways, standard work and projects.

Standard Work is the repetitive tasks and activities which should be expected and in most cases predictable.  This is the type of work where processes and checklists are invaluable in simplifying the job to be done.

Projects are the pieces of work which tend to be one offs or new initiatives.  Its the area where it's more challenging (less safe) to be and where the potential for motivation of your employees lies.

Guess where you and your team can add value to the organisation?  (Hint, its not doing the same stuff you did yesterday.)  

Get clarity on the work you have in order to consciously work towards reducing the time spent on the standard work where possible and increasing the valuable time spent on the projects.  I guarantee your employees will thank you for it and you'll thank yourself.

More on this topic next time.   

Please see my website at for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.

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