Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Greater than the sum of its parts

I recently posted on another blog, some thoughts about ‘Diversity and Inclusion’. I had also talked recently about embracing difference in your team to get the best from your team.

The pitfall from any initiative in regards to diversity and inclusion is that diversity is often the primary (or initial) focus rather than Inclusion.

These are not interchangeable words in the same way that thunder and lightning are related and linked but are different things.

If we start with the outcome in mind, we are seeking to generate and support a higher performing team at every level (based on a varied group that challenges and innovates; and most importantly, is truly engaged). Inclusion can be seen as a definition of what this team looks and acts like from a behaviour or action point of view.

Diversity therefore is an extension of the described differences, the constituent elements or labels to define the differing pieces of the team.

A greater focus on the Inclusion piece might provide some desire to sustain this change rather than simply focussing on the diverse elements within.

When you eat a great meal, the ingredients are important but you don’t focus only on them. When you enjoy a great meal, you focus on the experience of it and the way it worked in harmony together to be greater than the sum of its parts.

Always keep the outcome in mind.

Please see my website at for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.

(Photo by jlastras via flickr used under a creative Commons Licence)

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