When I first launched this blog back in 2011, I didn't know what to expect and also what to do with it. All I knew is that I wanted to share tips and techniques for new managers. In 2014 I launched a second blog focussing more on individual personal effectiveness.
Both have taught me some interesting lessons and I'm ready to launch again.
Last month I started www.careeringtosuccess.com
Careering to Success's single goal is to bridge the knowledge and skills gap between young people leaving formal eduction and starting a career in business. Although that's the audience, I've heard from many people saying that the ideas shared are equally relevant at any stage in a career.
So please go take a look and let me know what you think.
You can also on social media at:
Twitter @careertosuccess
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/careeringtosuccess
Thanks, Robert
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Managing for the First Time blog is moving
Hi. Thanks for following the blog, http://managingforthefirsttime.blogspot.com/
You may have noticed that there have not been any recent posts as I reevaluated the purpose of the blog.
I have therefore decided to relaunch it with a focus on the ‘individual’ at the new site of http://perseffect.wordpress.com and eventually www.perseffect.com when I get the website up and running.
You can also follow it on twitter @perseffect
Hope you like the new site and focus.
Saturday, 15 June 2013
The 'Supposed To Be' Dad
How many times have you heard from your kids, “you’re supposed to be playing with me” (and not checking emails on your blackberry).
How many times have you heard from them, “you’re supposed to be having dinner with us” (and not making that seemingly urgent call that really can wait until tomorrow).
Funny how kids can focus on the truly important things. That’s why it’s annoying when they call you out on it, because they are right.
Learn to focus on the right thing at the right time and give your full attention to it, whatever that may be. Don’t become a supposed to be Mum/Dad at home, and likewise a supposed to be whatever at work.
Play the right role in the right place at the right time. You’ll be much more effective for it.
Please see my website at www.managingforthefirsttime.com for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.
How many times have you heard from them, “you’re supposed to be having dinner with us” (and not making that seemingly urgent call that really can wait until tomorrow).
Funny how kids can focus on the truly important things. That’s why it’s annoying when they call you out on it, because they are right.
Learn to focus on the right thing at the right time and give your full attention to it, whatever that may be. Don’t become a supposed to be Mum/Dad at home, and likewise a supposed to be whatever at work.
Play the right role in the right place at the right time. You’ll be much more effective for it.
Please see my website at www.managingforthefirsttime.com for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
A Quality Product
I was visiting a local organic farm this morning and was struck again at how unquestionably great food tastes when it is fresh, and untainted by preservatives and chemicals (not to mention the mental "comfort" that comes from knowing its local & socially responsible).
It comes back to the idea of doing something really really well. How often we try to do so many different things at once and are never really completely happy with the results we deliver. Have a think over the last week; how many things did you deliver that you were entirely happy with?
What one thing will you do next week without compromising on quality? Who will you surprise by reminding them what great looks like?
Please see my website at www.managingforthefirsttime.com for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
GTD and Beyond - Making Ideas Happen
I have often blogged about GTD and ways to keep focussed on the right activities. I have also spoken numerous times with colleagues about the opportunities which it presents to be more productive and feel more in control.
However, it is still only a system which requires actioning to generate actual achievement. Other authors such as Seth Godin seem to approach from the other end and start with the execution first (See, 'Ship It').
What is often missing is the middle piece, the practical advice on what happens day to day in between the system and the shipping.
I've been reading a book by Scott Belsky called Making Ideas Happen. It suggests a focus on creative types that struggle to deliver beyond the idea, but really, the concepts within are completely transferrable to everyone.
What I like is that it covers the process as a whole with real world advice which complements systems and approaches which I current use. It's split into 3 distinct areas:
1. Organisation and Execution - The GTD bit
2. The Forces of Community - How to engage others to make your things happen
3. Leadership Capability - The steps you need to take to actually see it through
I really couldn't put this one down. Would recommend this to anyone struggling with seeing it all through to the moment of achievement and success.
Please see my website at www.managingforthefirsttime.com for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

I'm taking part in the Lunchtime Panel Session entitled "Reduce cost, increase performance, support growth. How can L&D deliver?"
Really looking forward to seeing you there and joining in the discussion.
Please see my website at www.managingforthefirsttime.com for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Going Paperless?
Having been out of the creative loop for a while now, I've managed to get back on top of the focus of what's important and working for me day to day.
Although I've not been talking much about it (more to come in later posts), I've been developing my paperless system to ensure I have what I need, whenever i need it, wherever I am (Very GTD).

However, I was excited to read today David Sparks (@macsparky) new book, Paperless on the iPad. It's a multimedia extravaganza and, as always, even just one top tip from David justifies the time spent on it. And believe me, there's a lot of top tips in here.
£2.99 or $4.99 from the iBooks store. Worth every penny.
Thanks David.
Please see my website at www.managingforthefirsttime.com for more techniques, tips and advice on this topic and others.
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